A Brighter Dental Experience

General, Cosmetic, and Restorative Dentistry

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(021) 4639455

If office unattended during Covid-19 please call 086 8962762 for appointments.

Office Location

Watersedge, Riverside Way, Midleton, Co. Cork P25 CC95

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Welcome to Our Practice

Dr. Elaine Kiely graduated from Cardiff Dental Hospital in 1999. She worked in York and South Wales before returning to Ireland in 2003, where she became a partner in a dental practice in Midleton, Co. Cork. She is a Member of the Irish Dental Council, the Irish Dental Association, and a Member of Dental Protection.


General Checkups

Dental Implants


Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Whitening

Orthodontic Care


Fillings restore the shape and function of the tooth after decay is removed or the tooth has fractured.White & Amalgam (mercury) fillings, Inlays and Onlays are offered.

Elaine Kiely has considerable experience in amalgam (mercury) filling removal adhering to IAOMT Guidelines.

Bridges / Crowns

A bridge is used to replace one or more missing teeth.

Crowns are restorations which cover the whole tooth. They are usually used when a tooth is too damaged for a filling to work or to improve the aesthetics of a smile.

Root Canal Treatment

This treatment is a painless procedure to restore a tooth which is infected or severely traumatised.

The treatment can save a tooth and prevent the spread of infection

Tooth Whitening

The colour of your teeth can be whitened using gel which is placed into custom-fitted trays.

  • Option 1: wear trays overnight for 7 – 10 days.
  • Option 2: wear trays for 1 hour per day for 7 – 10 days

Scale & Polish

Even the best personal oral hygiene regimen requires the occasional maintenance by a dentist. A scale and polish removes unsightly staining and tartar (calculus) from all surfaces of the teeth. The teeth are then polished to limit future build-up. This procedure is an important treatment for maintaining healthy gums.


The design and fitting of a denture is always a bespoke and personal service, and the nature and price of dentures can vary widely. Elaine will be happy to discuss with you all your treatment options regarding restorative treatments, including the suitability of partial and full dentures.

Our Staff

Our staff are friendly and courteous. We are always happy to help.

Dr. Elaine Kiely


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